Saturday, April 30, 2011

School Picture Day

Remember that day that came every year when you were a kid? You had a hard time sleeping because you knew the next morning you'd get your school picture taken. You got to wear dress up clothes to school and your mom did you hair. All that anticipation. As you waited in line, you could see the big lights and when you heard the "POOF!" of the flash you knew you were getting close. And then, when it was finally your turn and you were standing there in front of the camera, they would pose you so uncomfortably that you looked like you were made of rulers and had just eaten paste. And "POOF!", somehow all that work and preparation you and your mom had put in would be instantly tarnished and result in another school picture that you refused to show your friends. Or at least, that was my experience...
That is not what we did yesterday afternoon. A gaggle of roommates and I got together and decided to take what will probably be our last "school pictures". Needless to say, it was a lot more fun than the elementary school days and I tend to think these pictures probably turned out better than "picture day" pictures usually do. (Did I mention, I once had a huge cut on my eye from being hit by a box the night before picture day?) So, without further ado, my lovely lovely roommies!!

1 comment:

Oregon Equestrian said...

Fantastic photos of some fabulous ladies.